Monday, July 8, 2013

Presto SOG polish review from

Hello Readers!

Today i am posting my pictures and review of Presto SOG  system that i recently. Dear Kaoi from sent me those gorgeous SOGs for review. She also included some beautiful nail studs that i really loved.  is an online merchant from  Huntington Beach, CA that sells skin and hair care products, fragrances and of cause a ton of cool nail stuff, such as  a variety of rare and high end professional SOG brands and beautiful nail art decorations.
I got a chance to try out a Presto SOG system and i am amazed with the results. Presto is easy to use, and like other SOG includes base coat, color coat and top coat gel. It comes in a great number of vibrant and beautiful colors and would be a nice addition to any SOG collection.
Also you can use a coupon code WORLD5 for an exclusive 5% discount when you shop at 
Here are my pictures :
Clear Gel
Top Gel
#60 minaccioso (BLACK)
#22 allargando (PINK)
Metal Studs Flat Pyramid Silver 2mm 30pcs (NAIL ART)

 Matching black pedicure
 Peachy pink, very light and creamy
 Also tried to use presto base and top with a different brand color, and it worked very well, this one stayed on my nails without any chips or lifts for  1,5 weeks by now, and keep on going.

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